Day 1 | Thursday, September 26

8:00AMBreakfast & Registration

9:00AMOpening Remarks

Speaker: Elahe Tavakolian

9:15AM - 10:00AMFaith Under Fire: The Battle for Religious Freedom in Iran

Since Khomeini took power in 1979, the Islamic Republic has systematically disenfranchised and discriminated against Iran's religious minorities. This panel focuses on this ongoing persecution, particularly of Baha'is, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Sunni Muslims. Experts will examine the regime's oppressive policies and their impact on these communities, as well as the broader human rights implications and international responses. The discussion will also explore how a secular, democratic Iran would reestablish religious freedom and return rights to oppressed groups in Iran.

Speakers: Nathan Sales, Johnnie Moore, Janatan Sayeh
Moderator: Nazenin Ansari

10:00AM - 10:45AMTehran's Tentacles: The Islamic Republic's Wars in the Middle East

The Islamic Republic's malign influence in the Middle East has grown steadily through the use of proxy groups and funding of terrorism. This panel will analyze the regime’s destabilizing activities and strategic alliances in key countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen. Panelists will discuss how these actions contribute to regional instability and threaten global security. The conversation will also address the shortcomings of current international policies and propose more effective strategies to end the Islamic Republic’s reign of terror.

Speakers: David Schenker, Robert Greenway, Michael Pregent
Moderator: Elina Shirazi

10:45AM - 11:00AMBreak

11:00AM - 11:45PMThe New Axis of Evil: Russia, China, and the Islamic Republic in Iran

Tehran’s alliances with Russia and China have emboldened its defiance of international norms. This panel will explore the strategic partnerships between these regimes, often referred to as the "New Axis of Evil." Panelists will discuss military, economic, and technological cooperation that bolsters Khamenei’s authoritarian regime and its regional ambitions. The discussion will consider the implications for American security and the need for a coordinated international response to counter this emerging threat.

Speakers: Gabriel Noronha, Carrie Filipetti, Danielle Pletka
Moderator: Andrew Ghalili

11:45AM - 12:45PMLunch

12:45PM - 1:30PM45 Years of Terror: The Islamic Republic's War on America

For over 45 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has engaged in hostile actions against the United States, including hostage-taking, terrorism support, and cyber-attacks. This panel will chronicle these activities and how they have adapted and increased over time. Panelists will explore the ongoing challenges posed by the regime’s actions and discuss strategies for a robust U.S. response that combines pressure with support for the Iranian people.

Speakers: Elliott Abrams, Brian Katulis, Morgan Ortagus
Moderator: Lisa Daftari

1:30PM - 2:15PMUnveiling the Iran Prosperity Project

2:15PM - 2:30PMKeynote Address

HRH Reza Pahlavi

2:30PM - 3:15PMThe Path to Peace: From Abraham to Cyrus Accords

In the aftermath of the Abraham Accords, new opportunities arise for a broader regional peace framework in the Middle East. But the Islamic Republic is determined to undermine the burgeoning new alliance. This panel will discuss the potential for a secular, democratic Iran to bring about the Cyrus Accords to foster cooperation and stability. Panelists will explore the strategic, economic, and diplomatic benefits of such agreements and the challenges in creating a comprehensive and enduring peace.

Speakers: Len Khodorkovsky, Victoria Coates, Saeed Ghasseminejad
Moderator: Emily Schrader

3:15PM - 3:30PMBreak

3:30PMA Message of Solidarity

Speaker: Jonathan Greenblatt

3:45PM - 4:30PMFrom Protest to Revolution: Women, Life, Freedom Two Years On

Two years after the murder of Mahsa Amini, the Woman, Life, Freedom movement has transformed from a spontaneous protest into a sustained, revolutionary force challenging the very foundations of the Islamic Republic. This panel will examine the evolution of the movement and evaluate its current status, highlighting the resilience of Iranian women and the growing national solidarity among Iranians. Panelists will discuss how the movement has not only redefined the fight for equality in Iran but has also ignited a broader struggle against the Islamic Republic. The conversation will explore the movement's domestic and global impact, its ongoing challenges, and the path forward for meaningful change.

Speakers: Parmida Barez, Marjan Keypour, Gazelle Sharmahd
Moderator: Nina Khoshkish

Day 2 | Friday, September 27

8:00AMBreakfast and Registration

9:00AMOpening Remarks

Speaker: Afsoon Najafi

9:15AM - 10:15AMThe Ticking Time Bomb: Khamenei's Nuclear Ambitions

The Islamic Republic’s pursuit of nuclear capabilities poses a significant threat to regional and global security. This panel will examine Tehran's nuclear ambitions, recent progress, and the potential consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran. Panelists will evaluate the effectiveness of international efforts, like the JCPOA, and advocate for a comprehensive approach that includes increased pressure on the regime and support for the Iranian people to prevent nuclear escalation.

Speakers: Michael Singh, Behnam Taleblu, Matthew Kroenig
Moderator: Afschineh Latifi

10:15AM - 11:15 AMMax Pressure, Max Support: A Bipartisan Approach to Iran Policy

America’s Iran policy has failed. But there’s still time to make it work. This panel will explore alternative approaches, emphasizing the importance of maximum pressure combined with maximum support for the Iranian people. Panelists will propose measures to empower Iranian civil society, promote human rights, and support opposition groups, outlining a strategy to economically and politically challenge the regime while fostering democratic change from within.

Speakers: Ray Takeyh, Jason Brodsky, Patricia Karam
Moderator: Jonathan Harounoff

11:15AM - 11:30AMBreak

11:30AM - 12:30PMA Free Iran: Aligning America's Values and Interests

The regime in Iran poses a direct threat to U.S. interests through terrorism sponsorship, regional destabilization, and nuclear pursuits. It has shown an unwillingness to alter that path for 45 years. There is only one solution: this regime must go. This panel will argue why change in Iran is advantageous for the United States. Panelists will discuss the benefits of a democratic Iran and propose strategies to support that change, highlighting the potential for enhanced American security and regional stability.

Speakers: Michael Rubin, Ellie Cohanim, Walid Phares, Navid Mohebbi
Moderator: Tymahz Toumadje

12:30PM - 1:15PMLunch

1:15PM - 2:15PMNetworking

Keynote Speaker

HRH Reza Pahlavi Crown Prince of Iran

Headline Speakers

Afsoon Najafi Activist, Sister of Murdered Protester Hadis Najafi

Elahe Tavakolian Iranian Activist


Elliott Abrams Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

Former Special Envoy for Iran

Nazenin Ansari Managing Editor, Kayhan London

Parmida Barez Author, Songwriter, and Activist

Jason Brodsky Policy Director, United Against Nuclear Iran

Ellie Cohahim Senior Fellow, Independent Women's Forum

Former Deputy Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism

Victoria Coates VP of National Security, Heritage Foundation

Former Deputy National Security Advisor

Lisa Daftari Editor-in-Chief, The Foreign Desk

Carrie Filipetti Executive Director, Vandenberg Coalition

Former Deputy Special Envoy for Venezuela

Saeed Ghasseminejad Senior Advisor and Financial Economist, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Jonathan Greenblatt CEO, Anti-Defamation League

Robert Greenway Director of National Defense, Heritage Foundation

Former Senior Director, National Security Council

Jonathan Harounoff Author and Journalist

Jacob Helberg Senior Advisor/CEO, Palantir Technologies

Khosro Isfahani Researcher, Atlantic Council

Patricia Karam Senior Policy Advisor on Iran, Freedom House

Brian Katulis Senior Fellow, Middle East Institute

Marjan Keypour Founder and Director, Alliance for Rights of All Minorities

Len Khodorkovsky Senior Advisor to the Chairman, Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue

Former Senior Advisor to the US Envoy for Iran

Nina Khoshkish Communications Associate, National Union for Democracy in Iran

Matthew Kroenig VP and Senior Director, The Atlantic Council Scowcroft Center

Afschineh Latifi Attorney, Tucker & Latifi LLP

Shaun Maguire Partner, Sequoia Capital

Rev. Johnnie Moore President, Congress of Christian Leaders

Commissioner, U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom

Navid Mohebbi Iran Analyst and Activist

Gabriel Noronha Executive Director, POLARIS National Security

Former Special Advisor for the Iran Action Group

Morgan Ortagus Founder, POLARIS National Security

Former State Department Spokesperson

Walid Phares Author and Scholar

Shervin Pishevar Entrepreneur

Danielle Pletka Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Michael Pregent Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Amb. Dennis Ross Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute

Former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the Middle East

Michael Rubin Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

David Schenker Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute

Former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs

Emily Schrader Journalist

Elina Shirazi Correspondent, NewsNation

Michael Singh Managing Director and Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute

Former Senior Director of Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council

Nathan Sales Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council

Former Under Secretary of State for Human Rights, Former Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Gazelle Sharmahd German-American Activist

Behnam Taleblu Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Ray Takeyh Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

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